Steer Your Joy to Drive
What hot new tech drives like a car but feels like you’re flying a jet plane? As we steer into more CES tech coverage, we’ll put you in the front seat of an auto-technology company that is changing the way we drive. Next up on RIDEPLAY tv, JetDrive by BCS Automotive Interface Solutions!
JetDrive by BCS Automotive Interface Solutions, an automotive supplier from Germany, has integrated jet-like steering into vehicles. Sounding unsafe? BCS specializes in the safety and comfortability of controlling a car. The debut of JetDrive at CES 2019 in Las Vegas demonstrated that innovative technologies are not only cooler, but easier to use. For instance, joy-sticks on each side of the driver’s legs allows for smoother and quicker control of the vehicle. Compare that to the traditional steering wheel. Body Control Systems (BSC) is truly shaping the technologies in cars to fit comfort while ensuring a smooth, safe ride.
Experiencing JetDrive
John and Wesley from RIDEPLAY tv met with reps of BCS Automotive Interface Solutions and experienced JetDrive first hand. Both a simulation and physical testing allowed them to see how easy JetDrive maneuvers. The simulation allowed them to control a video automated car via the joysticks. With a pinpoint turning radius, making very sharp turns with complete accuracy was surprisingly easy. Flying, yes flying, the golf cart and SUV allowed them to use the joysticks in real life to see how it felt like the simulation. We, at RIDEPLAY tv use the term flying to replace driving when it comes to the joysticks as JetDrive mimics that of flying a jet.
More Than Just a Driving Experience
Inside the north hall of the CES Las Vegas convention center, RIDEPLAY tv reps drove a simulation car. Southern California was represented at its finest with a surfboard and wooden side panels. Automatic seat positioning capabilities provides the most comfortable and best position for alert driving. An entertainment relax mode is included, as well! With the simple touch of a button an entertainment relax mode activates the seat from driving mode to entertainment mode. As a result, the driver’s seat is turned toward the passenger side where a screen shows variety of entertainment. Aside from accurate driving and entertainment modes, BCS incorporated technology systems with the ability to read vital signs such as temperature and heart rate. This feature was a crazy experience, showing how one felt during a drive in real time!
Meeting with BCS Automotive Interface Services was a pleasure. Having worked hand-in-hand with various car companies on various components, BCS impressed us, allowing RIDEPLAY tv to see how the integration of technology and automotives is progressing in a fun, exciting way! As this is just the beginning, we have a lot to look forward to. Wrapping up, one thing is clear from the coverage of CES: there are tons of new auto technologies like automobile interface technologies, in-car entertainment, and digital out of home rideshare advertising that will steer drivers and passengers into 2019 and beyond!
RIDEPLAY tv has been entertaining passengers for three years and has earned rideshare drivers higher tips and ratings across the country.
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